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What to Expect When You Need a Root Canal?

If you suffer from severe tooth pain or face swelling due to an infected or abscessed tooth, root canal treatment can save your natural teeth. This is because it removes infected pulp tissue from the inside of your teeth.

Your Sarasota dentist will carefully examine the affected tooth to determine if you need a root canal. He or she will then take X-rays of the infected tooth to help identify what caused the problem.

Once your tooth is numb, the dentist will remove infected and damaged pulp from the inside of the tooth. Then, he or she will fill up the empty root canals with gutta-percha and seal them. Sometimes, a post is added to support the gutta-percha, too.

It is important that your tooth has a strong, sturdy root structure to prevent further damage from dental decay and trauma. Without this, your teeth will shift and cause orthodontic problems.

A root canal will also preserve the integrity of your natural teeth and avoid the need for extraction or other more extensive dental work in the future.

You can expect a root canal to take about an hour and a half, depending on the size of your infected tooth and how many roots it has. A larger tooth may need two or more visits to complete the procedure.

When you need a root canal, it is important that you seek treatment from a highly qualified and experienced Sarasota endodontist. This professional will be able to identify and treat the diseased pulp of your tooth with precision, ensuring the treatment is effective.

Your root canal specialist can make sure that your tooth is completely numb and that you are comfortable during the procedure. He or she will also provide you with medications to help you relax.

In addition, you should keep your head elevated during the procedure to minimize the pain and discomfort you may experience. You should also avoid smoking, which can interfere with healing and increase the likelihood of having another root canal in the future.

What to Expect during Root Canal Therapy

During root canal therapy, your dentist will first numb the infected area with local anesthesia. Then, he or she will use a rubber dam to stop saliva from entering the infected area while they flush out the pulp tissue and other debris.

Once the infected tissue has been removed, your dentist will carefully clean the inside of your tooth with a special tool called an endodontic file. After this, the infected tooth will be filled with gutta-percha and a crown will be placed on top to protect the tooth and restore its shape and function.

What to Do After Root Canal Therapy

Once your root canal is completed, you should visit your dentist at least twice a year to monitor your progress. This is important because a failed root canal can lead to further infection and require further treatment.

After your root canal, it is crucial to follow a good oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing every day. Using soft-bristled brushes and mouthwash that are designed specifically for sensitive teeth is a great way to reduce your risk of future tooth pain and sensitivity.

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